May 3, 2024

Self-Driving Cars in Terrorists’ Future Also

self-driving cars

The future is bright for self-driving cars, but credible reports out of Finland show terrorist groups considering how autonomous vehicles can replace suicide bombers and conduct ramming attacks.

Boeing Loses Canada Hornet Deal to Australia


Canada dashes Boeing’s hopes for a buy of 18 F/A-18E/F Super Hornet jets, instead seeking an interim buy of used F/A-18 Hornets from Australia.

Lawmakers Propose $700 Billion Defense Bill


House & Senate negotiators agree on a FY18 defense policy bill authorizing $700 billion for the Pentagon, much larger than the administration’s budget. Sixteen years of overseas wars have cost the US nearly $6 trillion so far.

Hypoxia Episodes Continue to Haunt Fighter Jets


F-35A pilots report five more Hypoxia-like episodes with tingling fingers and other symptoms. In June the deaths of four Hornet pilots were attributed to “physiological episodes” associated with the oxygen deprivation of Hypoxia.

Are Our Nuclear Bombers on 24-Hour Alert?


The Air Force is preparing to put nuclear-armed bombers back on 24-hour alert. “This is yet one more step in ensuring that we’re prepared,” Gen. David Goldfein, AF chief of staff, says.

McCain Leadership Removed for ‘Preventable’ Collision


The fatal collision of the USS John S. McCain was “preventable, the commanding officer exercised poor judgement, and the executive officer exercised poor leadership of the ship’s training program,” according to Navy findings.

The Next JSF Question: Upgrade or Buy New?

F-35 jets

faced with a set of F-35s too limited to fly in combat, weighing whether to upgrade or buy new ones. Production of the fighter jets is projected to reach 130 per year by the end of 2018.

Troops More Vulnerable to Data Breach Fallout?

New Normal on the Internet cyber

Active-duty service members are among the 143 million Americans affected by the Equifax data breach and might be more vulnerable to its potential fallout.

War Authorizations Will Not Be Repealed

rand paul

A bipartisan rejection of Sen. Rand Paul’s effort to repeal the war authorizations leading to US entry into Afghanistan and Iraq returns the Senate to consideration of other provisions in the defense authorization bill.

Another Helo Goes Down in Pacific

Army UH-60 Black Hawk

An Army UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter went down Tuesday in the Pacific Ocean during a nighttime training mission off Hawaii.