February 9, 2025

VA Leaves Millions Unspent for Suicide Outreach

Navy Suicides

Veterans Administration has spent only $57,000 out of $6.2 million set aside for suicide prevention and suicide outreach in the media in fiscal 2018, less than 1 percent, while a respected, retired Marine colonel becomes the fifth suicide since 2013 at the same Florida VA complex.

Retired Marine Col. Jim Turner became the fifth veteran at Bay Pines Department of Veterans Affairs in Florida to take his life, reports Military.com. He put on his dress uniform and medals and drove to the complex. He got out of his truck, sat down on top of his military records and took his own life with a rifle. He left a suicide note blasting the VA for failing to help him. He was remembered as a professional and a leader.

F-35 Operating Costs Targeted by US & Europe

F35 Operating Costs

The US military and Europe officials partner to minimize F-35 operating costs to assure sustainment and future purchase goals can be reached.

JSF Helmet Bug Limits Night Carrier Landings to Experts

JSF Helmet

The Navy is getting closer to fixing the technical bug in the F-35 JSF helmet, which allows LED light to spill out and obliterate a pilot’s ability to see landing lights on carriers at night. But for now, only expert pilots can perform night landings.

Turkey’s F-35 Purchase Blocked by NDAA


The $716B defense authorization bill was signed earlier in the year than any NDAA for the past 40 years and also included a stall in the F-35 sale to Turkey and provided President Trump an opportunity to tout his Space Force.

Congress Says No F-35s to Turkey; Mattis Objects

Federal Defense Dollars

The Senate and House move to prevent the sale of F-35s to Turkey, a move DefSec Mattis opposes.

25% Cut to DoD Support Agencies Proposed

25% cut to DoD

Thornberry’s proposed 25% cut to DoD would impact “fourth estate” agencies supported by 200,000 civilians and 600,000 contractors, at a cost of more than $100 billion per year.

Is Cybersecurity the National Guard’s Job?

cybersecurity national guard

Facing testimony of ongoing Russian tampering, including via use of social media and other online propaganda methods, including states’ electoral integrity in the upcoming midterm elections, a Senate Arms Services subcommittee discussed moving the US’s cybersecurity responsibilities to the National Guard.

Russian Fighter Jet Again in US Flight Path

Russian fighter

For the second time since November, a Russian jet buzzes the flank of a US reconnaissance aircraft over the Black Sea, forcing the EP-3 Aries to fly through the Russian Su-27’s flight wash.

Russian Jet Buzzes Navy Poseidon


A Navy P-8A Poseidon flying over the Black Sea was rocked when a Russian jet flew just 50 feet in front of the American aircraft, leaving the Poseidon in the fighter’s afterburners.

China Leads Cyber Strategy, N. Korea No Slacker

Indicted for Hacking

China’s new cyber strategy law already contemplates the risks in the evolving future technologies, while the US has not developed a national strategy yet. It appears North Korea has, and its persistence is paying off for the rogue nation.