Japan Keeps Flying Ospreys, Aware of US Restrictions
Japan’s defense chief has no plans to restrict flights of the V-22 Ospreys operated in his country. Defense Minister Minoru Kihara said Japanese and US military officials have closely communicated over technical issues involving the safety of Ospreys.
SMECO Nominating Committee to Meet
Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative’s Board of Directors has appointed 10 members to the 2023 Nominating Committee scheduled to meet Wednesday, May 10. The committee will review candidate applications for the five board positions to be elected this year.
SMECO Employees Donate to Center for Children
Employees at Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative donated $55,000 to the Center for Children, a nonprofit dedicated to the prevention and treatment of child abuse in the region. The money was raised at SMECO’s annual golf outing in September.
SMECO Lineworkers — The Power Behind Your Power
A lineworker’s job is tough — but it’s a job that’s essential to the community. #thankalineman
Update Address With SMECO to Ensure Ballot Delivery
Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative reminds members that SMECO conducts its annual members’ meeting to elect directors and vote on bylaw changes. As a member, you have the right to vote.
SMECO Appoints Nominating Committee
Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative’s Board of Directors has appointed 10 members to the 2022 Nominating Committee scheduled to meet May 11, 2022.
SMECO: Be Prepared for Power Outages
Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative urges its members to plan for fundamental needs in the event of a power outage. The key is to be prepared. Take these steps before, during, and after an outage.
SMECO Employees Raise Funds for Food Bank
A successful benefit golf tournament sponsored by Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative employees resulted in a $45,637 donation to the Southern Maryland Food Bank.
Thinking About Buying an Electric Vehicle?
Those wanting to learn more about electric vehicles can join the Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative at an EV Meet & Greet on October 10, 2021.
Charles Earns Incentives for Lighting Upgrades
Charles County has received incentives for investing in energy-efficient equipment upgrades through Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative’s EmPOWER Maryland Business Solutions program.