April 27, 2024

X-47B Sparks UFO Reports

X-47B UCAS-D cruise

Drone’s cross-country transport to Pax River alerted conspiracy theorists.

Viper To Get Chopped?

Official tells Inside Defense that program will be dropped in favor of new helicopters.

Happy Xmas; War is Over

Military marks the end of the Iraq War with Baghdad ceremony.

Defense Bill Deal Reached

capitol hill

Contains $834 million in earmarks and might get vetoed.

V-22 Operating Costs Soar


Report states that fleet’s total costs jumped from $74B to $121B.

Defense: Weak Job Creator

Study says butter makes more jobs than guns.


capitol hill

Congressional Super Committee announces inability to reach a deal.

New Passel of Poseidons

p-8a poseidon flutter test

Navy inks contract for seven more P-8A sub hunters.

Five Production F-35s Cut

Pentagon slices five F-35s from fifth production lot to pay for cost overruns in the fourth lot.

MD Could Lose 36K Jobs

Defense industry says state would be in top ten budget cut losers.