September 19, 2024

A Christmas Day Military History Quiz

Military History

The US military has had some notable events that occurred December 25. The Department of Defense asks: How well do you know your Christmas Day military history?

Some DoD Top Jobs Still Not Filled

Pentagon Jobs

Some Department of Defense top jobs remain unfilled two months into President Donald Trump’s administration. Supporters of Defense Secretary James Mattis hope that a top Trump aide whom they see as a roadblock for nominees will soon move on to a new role.

Morning Coffee: DoD Exec Defends “Poseidon”

A DoD acquisition executive responded this week to a negative report on the Navy’s Boeing P-8A Poseidon aircraft.

Government Closes

Congress keeps working. So does the military. So do essential personnel. But otherwise, the federal government is closed.

Congress Recesses, DoD Orders 20% in HQ Reductions

As DoD prepares to reduce its own HQ management overhead, officials continue to seek ways to reduce the number of furlough days imposed on civilians.

JSF Vertical Take-off from Pax; DoD Budget Out Today

JSF continues a week of successes at Pax, but the week ahead for Defense Authorization Bills look less sunny.

Poseidon Program Already Fighting Tech Obsolescence

p-8a poseidon flutter test

Navy allocates $8.5 million to replace the aircraft’s electronic warfare technology.

New Emphasis on Asia Shifts DoD Development Priorities

Hikes in Asian defense spending from large troop numbers and maintenance, not investment in research or equipment.

DoD Gets a ‘B’ for Clear Writing; VA Gets an ‘F’

report card

The Center for Plain Language gives the Pentagon a passing grade for writing clearly, but fails the Veterans Administration.

NAVAIR Leadership Seeks to Clarify Budget Cut Rumors


Officials says cuts are coming to Pax River’s contracted support services, but it will not be the rumored 15 percent haircut.