February 9, 2025

Budget Calls for 4.6% Pay Raise for Service Members

The White House released its fiscal 2023 budget Monday. The $733 billion spending plan calls for a 4.6% pay raise for service members, but the services would see its active-duty end strength drop. The Navy would see a decrease of about 600 personnel.

Report: Presidential Helicopter ‘Unreliable’ in Emergencies

Presidential Helicopters

A Pentagon report says the new presidential helicopter is unreliable in emergency situations and not “operationally suitable.”

Navy Wants $5B for 3 More Destroyers

Task Force

The US Navy wants to build three more Arleigh Burke-class destroyers and is asking Congress for more than $5 billion in the next fiscal year. Building the warships would bring the number of guided-missile destroyers the Navy has procured to 85.

DoD Support Cuts: Not Big Savings

DoD Support

Eliminating DoD support agencies, such as Congress is considering, may not yield the big cost-savings legislators seek, says former DoD management officer, but consolidating IT services might, says Peter Levine.

RADM Gordon Peters New Boss at NAVAIR

RADM Gordon Peters will be the new boss of Naval Air Systems Command. He replaces VADM Paul Grosklags as the top officer at NAVAIR. Also at NAVAIR, RADM Brian Corey will replace RADM Mark Darrah as the program executive officer for unmanned aviation and strike weapons.

Carver Is VX-23’s New CO

Navy Cmdr. James Carver relieves Marine Lt. Col. Kevin Erker as commanding officer of Air Test and Evaluation Squadron 23 after serving as the squadron’s chief test pilot since October 2014. Cmdr. Johannes Jolly assumed duties as VX-23’s chief test pilot.

O’Malley Vetoes Wind Farm Delay Bill

Governor said the bill would send “a chilling message” to the clean-energy industry but Steny Hoyer and John Bohanan point to NAS Pax River impacts.

Morning Coffee: X-47B Scheduled for Pax River Testing

X-47B UCAS taxi

Northrop’s X-47B UCAS is scheduled for shore-based testing conducted from NAS:Patuxent River in preparation for upcoming sea trials.

Heavy Lift Helo Team Gets ‘Speed Mentoring’

PMA-261 mentoring

Members of PMA-261 participated in a speed mentoring event on Sept. 18 at Exploration III in Lexington Park.

Morning Coffee: Automatic Defense Cuts Look Likely

capitol hill

Time is running out for Congress to reverse “sequestration” cuts.