February 14, 2025

East Coast Drone Sightings Remain a Mystery

Drone Sightings

Frustration and concerns mount over the lack of information on drone sightings reported up and down the East Coast.

FAA Issues Final Rule for Powered-Lift eVTOLs


The Federal Aviation Administration has issued its final rule for powered-lift aircraft, which creates the operating and pilot training basis for eVTOLs. This development is critical to the success of the advanced air mobility industry, says the FAA.

Navy Recruiting Rebounds ‘Significantly’

US Navy VADM Rick Cheeseman said the service’s recruiting numbers have rebounded “significantly,” but they still fall short of the boot camp goal, which was to sign up 40,600 recruits by the end of the month. The Navy will be about 5,000 sailors short of the target to get all recruits into the 10-week training course by the end of the fiscal year.

Uptick in Attacks on US Troops in Middle East


As the US continues to move its assets around the Middle East to support Israel in its war against Hamas, the number of attacks on US troops nearby has increased.

Where DoD Spends Its Defense Dollars

Defense Dollars

The Defense Department’s Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation’s latest report on where the Pentagon spends it defense dollars has Maryland in the No. 6 spot. According to the fiscal 2022 report, $26.4 billion was spent on defense contracts and personnel in the state. Virginia claimed the top spot on the list.

Former Pax Test Pilot to Lead Next NASA ISS Mission

Test Pilot

LT COL Jasmin Moghbeli will lead NASA’s next space station mission. She will serve as the commander of the upcoming SpaceX Crew-7 mission, slated to launch August 17. Moghbeli is a graduate of the US Naval Test Pilot School at Pax River.

Report: Presidential Helicopter ‘Unreliable’ in Emergencies

Presidential Helicopters

A Pentagon report says the new presidential helicopter is unreliable in emergency situations and not “operationally suitable.”

US or China. Who Is Winning AI Battle?


Which country has the best artificial intelligence technology in the world? It depends on who you ask. These military cybersecurity experts have differing opinions.

China’s AI Expertise Threatens US, Europe


Multiple warnings indicate China could pull ahead for supremacy in Artificial Intelligence, prompting outcries for the US and European nations to join forces to counterbalance the technological advances coming from Beijing.

2-Day DoD Virtual Symposium on AI


The Patuxent Partnership is sharing information about an upcoming Defense Department artificial intelligence symposium and exposition on September 9-10, 2020.