September 15, 2024

DoD Still at Risk of Cyber Intrusions

Fifty cybersecurity assessments of combatant commands and the military services by the Department of Defense reveal its missions and systems continue to be at risk of cyber intrusions, despite improvements in network defenses.

Four Stars Debate Military Readiness

Retired generals Carter Ham and David Petraeus share different views on military readiness.

Military Leaders Argue DefSec Budget Priorities

DefSec Budget

Navy and Army counter priorities of DefSec Ash Carter’s plans for the Pentagon’s $580 billion budget request.

Morning Coffee: Satellites Improve Arctic Communication

The U.S. Navy’s Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) satellites may be able to significantly improve communication in the Arctic.

Sequestration ’14 Threatens 6,000+ DoD Civilian Jobs

budget axe

A Pentagon plan would cut thousands more civilian jobs if sequestration is not averted in fiscal 2014 and another looks to cut JSF costs which is hoped to increase international support of the fighter jet.

Pentagon Looks to Lose 20 Percent of Its Top Brass

budget axe

As Defense Sec’y Chuck Hagel warns of continued budget threats to top personnel, the Pentagon readies a consolidated health care program to save $2.4 billion.

Full-Scale Drone from Pax Lands on Carrier; Makes History

Landing a fighter jet by computer; fairness in federal salaries, differing definitions of privacy at the Aspen Security Forum and the NSA is open sourcing anti-hacking code.

Restored DoD Funds to Reduce Civilian Furlough Days

The president, some senators and the Pentagon push for military budget relief and the first pilot to break the sound barrier suggests a less expensive aircraft.

Budget Win for Pax? Waiting Win for China? No Change in N. Korea.

A bevy of reports released late last week provide some hopeful budget news for Pax River, but military and cyber warnings from almost everywhere else.

Lockheed Predicts $825M Decline in 2013 Sales

Defense contracting giant’s Tuesday earnings report showed expected sequester impact.