May 2, 2024

KMAX, Marines Complete ‘Hot Hookup’

Kmax helicopter

Marines load cargo onto the KMAX helicopter while it is in unmanned flight mode.

Osprey Will Carry President’s Staff Next Year


Secret service, staff to use twin-rotor craft.

Test University Receives Deming Award

nawcad logo

The Naval Aviation Test and Evaluation University was recognized for providing comprehensive, standardized training and career development.

Have Some Strategic Thinking with Your Lunch

Dale Moore

Dale Moore, NAVAIR’s Director for Strategic Initiative Coordination and Execution, to hold another brown bag discussion.

NAVAIR’s Got an App for That


The Future Airborne Capability Environment promises to do for military aviation what Android did for mobile phones.

Senate: Counterfeit Parts ‘Flooding’ Military Aircraft

F-35 assembly area

The Senate Armed Services Committee says that DoD and contractors are not doing enough to weed out counterfeit Chinese parts.

House Defeats Attempts to Kill F-35B, MV-22

MV-22 Osprey

Vote was one of hundreds of amendments vying to ride on the defense authorization bill.

Registration opens for NAVAIR COMSEC Conference

computer network

The NAVAIR Communications Security (COMSEC) management team will host the NAVAIR COMSEC Conference June 5 and 6.

Boeing: Expect $1 Trillion in Cuts

capitol hill

Boeing CEO tells investors that $1 trillion in defense cuts could be coming over the next decade.

Obama Threatens Defense Bill Veto

White House

Meanwhile, the House adds $5.3 billion to the Pentagon’s tab.