May 7, 2024

Are Radar Advances Gaining on Stealth Shields?

Advances in radar technology may be chipping away at stealth’s low visibility.

Fuel Burn Cut Would Extend F-35 Flight Life

Promising testing of technology that would reduce fuel burn would lengthen the flying life of the Joint Strike Fighter.

‘Brexit’ Could Trigger Sequester-Like Consequences

Brexit, the UK’s possible departure from the European Union, could cause global firms, particularly defense industries, to scale back business.

Aging IT: Stop Throwing Good Money After Bad

Keeping aging IT on life support is costly and inefficient, federal CIO says.

Orlando Shooter Worked For Counterterrorism Firm

Discovery that the shooter in the Orlando nightclub massacre worked for a counterterrorism firm calls into question how wisely security dollars are being spent.

Grease Skids: Reduce Spending Bill Amendments, Ryan Proposes

House Speaker Paul Ryan wants to eliminate amendments that are bogging down, and sometimes killing, spending bills.

White House Threatens Veto of Senate Defense Bill

Despite a bipartisan agreement, the White House objects to what it regards as too much tinkering in the Senate defense policy bill.

McCain: Amp Up Defense Spending to Counter Threats


Sen. John McCain says the US needs to spend much more on defense to counter rising threats worldwide.

DefSec Carter Hits House, Senate ‘Micromanagement’

Defense Secretary Ashton Carter is angered by “unhelpful micromanagement” resulting in changes to the draft Defense Authorization Bill.

What Is the F-35 Actually Supposed to Do?

What Is the Pentagon’s Multi-Billion Dollar F-35 Really Supposed to Do?