Clutch Problems Ground CV-22 Ospreys
US Air Force Special Ops grounded its fleet of tiltrotor CV-22 Ospreys last week after discovering “hard clutch engagement” problems. The Marine Corps said it will not ground its MV-22 Osprey fleet over the problem.
Event Will Recreate Launch of Apollo 11
A celebration of the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 will include the projection of a full-sized, 363-foot Saturn V rocket onto the Washington Monument for three nights this week.
Navy’s First Female Jet Pilot Dies
The US Navy’s first female jet pilot, Rosemary Mariner, died last week. She was 65.
First Loss of F-35B for Marine Corps
An F-35B that erupted into flames caused by a faulty bracket nearly two years ago has been struck by the Marine Corps, making it the first loss of an F-35 for the corps. The corps made the determination that the costs to repair the fighter would not be worth the return on investment.
F-35 Destined for Combat Test
So far this year, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter has been deployed twice, though neither deployment was in a combat capacity. With the US waging increasingly anti-terror operations, as the military deploys more and more it seems unavoidable that the F-35 is destined for a combat test.
F-35 JSF Has Friends in High Places
The chairman of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee and 70 House members are calling for an agreement with the Senate to pay for 11 new F-35s, while at the same time adding $100 million to help the Air Force fund advance procurement for 2018.
DepDefSec Work Expected at UK Air Show
While the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is expected to dominate much of the news coming out of the upcoming Farnborough Air Show, the appearance of US Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work is adding what Breaking Defense is calling “a boost in firepower for the air show.” Reports are that he will discuss his Third Offset Strategy in closed-door meetings while he is in the United Kingdom.
Grease Skids: Reduce Spending Bill Amendments, Ryan Proposes
House Speaker Paul Ryan wants to eliminate amendments that are bogging down, and sometimes killing, spending bills.
F-35 Called Significant Deterrence Tool
The F-35 has important symbolic value as a conflict deterrent along with its advanced warfighting capabilities.