September 19, 2024

Turkey’s F-35 Purchase Blocked by NDAA


The $716B defense authorization bill was signed earlier in the year than any NDAA for the past 40 years and also included a stall in the F-35 sale to Turkey and provided President Trump an opportunity to tout his Space Force.

Aging IT: Stop Throwing Good Money After Bad

Keeping aging IT on life support is costly and inefficient, federal CIO says.

DefSec Carter Prefers Senate Defense Spending Plan

A contest looms between House and Senate schemes for funding defense spending.

DoD Inviting Hackers to Attack, Locate Holes


Possible financial reward to hackers for breaking into the DoD and telling the Pentagon how they did it.

Boehner to Senate: Pass Defense Budget Bills

The House completed work months ago, but Party quarreling in the Senate continues to hold up passage of the Pentagon spending bill. Senate leaders intend to reconsider the bill next week after returning from a two week hiatus.

Triton Sensor Matures; Internet Reaches the Moon

MQ-4C Triton

It’s all about surveillance, cybersecurity and learning to thrive in a virtual world; the Navy is among the leaders.