February 9, 2025

Save the Date for Naval Aviation Panel

Mark your calendar for The Patuxent Partnership’s next panel discussion with the Association of Naval Aviation Squadron 18. The topic for the September 14 event will be “Naval Aviation Programs Are Soaring.”

Save the Date: Aug. 31 TPP Cyber Program

DoD cyber workers

Save the date for The Patuxent Partnership’s cyber program from 9 to 10:30 am August 31, 2022. Learn about military cyber professionals.

VADM Whitesell Leads TPP/ANA Panel


TPP/ANA panels resume Monday, Dec. 14, with “Jets, Props, and Vertical Lift: Dominant Power Projection and Sea Control,” featuring keynote speaker Air Boss VADM Kenneth Whitesell, Commander, Naval Air Forces and Commander, Naval Air Force, US Pacific Fleet.

TPP/ANA Panel: Flight Plan to Infinity – March 11


The Patuxent Partnership and the Association of Naval Aviation Squadron 18 panel on “Naval Aviation’s Flight Plan to Infinity (at least 2021) and Beyond” is scheduled for March 11 from 5-7 pm at the Pax River Naval Air Museum. Register today for the lower rate.

RADM Harris to Lead Panel on Naval Aviation


RADM Greg “HyFi” Harris will give the keynote address at the next Patuxent Partnership and Association of Naval Aviation panel discussion on “Naval Aviation’s Flight Plan to Infinity (at least 2021) and Beyond” from 5 to 7 pm March 11, 2020.

MUM-T’s the Word at Panels on AI, ANA

MUM-T’s the Word at an ANA panel hosted by The Patuxent Partnership on Sept. 19, 2019. The TPP ANA Panel, Manned plus Unmanned: Agile, Lethal, Effective, will be presented with the help of RADM Brian Corey.

Speed + Readiness = Speed, Says Peters


“Speed and readiness come down to one word. Speed.” VADM Dean Peters, commander for NAVAIR, opens a panel on the imperative to accelerate acquisition and develop ready-to-deploy systems.

TPP/ANA/MCAA Panel to Discuss Marine Air

Marine Air

Join The Patuxent Partnership on Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2018, at the Patuxent River Naval Air Museum for the TPP-ANA-MCAA panel, “Marine Air: The Sea-Based Inside Force.”

Innovation in Naval Aviation Needed Now

innovation in naval aviation

Naval aviation leaders at last month’s Pax Partnership and ANA briefing describe an immediate and imperative need for innovation in Navy aviation research, engineering, development, and test.

Naval Aviation Is Topic at Cleared for Takeoff Event

Cleared for Takeoff

Cleared for Takeoff: Innovation in Naval Aviation will be the topic at The Patuxent Partnership and Association of Naval Aviation Pax River Squadron 18 reception and discussion April 26, 2018, with a panel of leaders, experts, and decision-makers.