October 5, 2024

The Answer Is: Great American Desert

From the desert in winter to the sea in summer, the new WiTWiT photo contest is covering new territory, looking for new players. Join in.

New Player to Contest Grabs Where in the World Prize

The shot accompanying this article will require more rigorous imagination if you want to nail it.

Artist Mortified; Tosses Out No-Brainer

Photographer Jeff Clark was shocked when his last WitWit image was identified in an hour. So this week he throws out a ringer and challenge: “Can you name it under an hour?”

Local Artist Scores Where in the World Prize

Local artist Jim Doussard of Moon River Studio creations wins Where in the World is This? photo contest. Join the competition.

When In the World Was That?

Today’s rendition of Where in the World is farther afield from PAX than those green umbrellas that showed up last month. It doesn’t even look to exist in the same time period as those umbrellas.

Halt the Contest! Step Forward Bart M.

Where in the World? prize was quickly claimed.

Close But No Cigar; Where in the World? Stumps All

Jeff Clark likes to say his Where in the World photos are mostly located in and around Southern Maryland. But we aren’t sure whether that’s a helpful clue to this one, or not.

The Only Clue: It’s Near Pax

The clue is this: What you are seeing is very close to NAS:Pax and in plain sight for a pair of sharp eyes. Winning guesses win prizes.

Where In The World Entirely Stumps Readers

Not one entrant identified the site of the photo in the last edition of Where in the World Is That? Visit JefClarkArt to see the photo that stumped them all.

Where in the World is This?

There are some weeks the photo speaks for itself.