Time for ‘The Big Conversation’
Join “The Big Conversation” online to hear two internationally known experts address how trauma impacts our lives and how racial trauma is often an unseen force. Virtual event will be 2 to 5 pm September 11, 2022.
NAACP 5K Run/Walk Accepting Registrations
St. Mary’s County NAACP is accepting registrations for its 5K run/walk on September 17, 2022, in Historic St. Mary’s City.
Still Time to Register for HBCU College Fair
Registration is still being accepted for the 10th annual Southern Maryland HBCU College & Career Fair featuring Historically Black Colleges and Universities and local colleges and career organizations. The virtual event is free and will be held 10 am to 2 pm Saturday, February 19, 2022.
Join Community Conversations on Race
Join the St. Mary’s County Library for virtual events to engage in conversations and learn from fellow community members. Community partners for the series include the local NAACP, Community Mediation of St. Mary’s, Unified Committee for Afro-American Contributions, and St. Mary’s County’s Museum Division.
NAACP Organizes Back To School Fair
The St. Mary’s County branch of the NAACP is planning a Back To School Fair for Saturday, Aug. 10, 2019, from noon to 3 pm.
NAACP Financial Planning Workshops Continue
St. Mary’s NAACP offers retirement planning workshop for women, May 18, 2013 at Country Inn & Suites in California
NAACP: Financial Planning Workshops for Women
Financial strategies is this week’s topic, preparing for retirement will be presented next week, May 18.
Find a Career Future at the Diversity Fair
Awaken your potential by finding the job or school you need to further your career.
NAACP and DJ Widebody Distribute School Supplies
St. Mary’s NAACP expands a school supply give-away program from Lexington Park to Oakville, Maryland.