April 26, 2024

U.S. House Reps Seek Protection for DoD Budget

Several efforts under way to soften sequester impact on Defense spending.

Two More Furlough Days, Readiness Still Suffers

The Deputy Secretary of Defense makes the news rounds to tout a DoD budget realignment that rolls back the unpopular civilian furloughs and also to warn of a loss of military readiness as a result of sequestration.

Defense Spending Bill Winds Toward House Floor

Republican leadership struggles to keep spending bill on track with NSA surveillance funds intact and without restrictions regarding actions in Egypt or Syria.

F-35 Budget Flies through Senate, Costs Predicted to Fall

Obama calls for nuclear reductions, Hagel says military will sustain nuclear weapons and delivery platforms. Nuclear Employment Strategy released.

Budget Cuts All Services & Contractor Pay, But Stocks Rise

A re-work of furlough scheduling qualifies Navy employees for unemployment insurance and a re-think of tactical nuclear strikes is needed now says a Pentagon-respected think-tank.

Triton Flies, Budget Micromanaged, No Funds for BRAC

As defense budgets are marked up, drones clear hurdles technically and philosophically.

Navy’s Drones Could Determine U.S. Airpower for Decades

Investing in smarter drones could determine the future, which includes carriers no matter what, say Navy officials.

Furloughs Are In & First X-47B Carrier Launch Lands at Pax

Eleven furlough days announced same day as first carrier catapult launch of X-47B UCAS. Also, how ‘drones’ were named.

Supply Chain, Software Hampers Weapons Systems

F-35C JSF night takeoff

F-35, other programs facing manufacturing issues.

Hiring Fell in March As Employers Watched Economy

office workers

Also down: Pentagon contracts and government cybersecurity salaries.