October 11, 2024

Iran Deploys Warships to Gulf of Aden

Gulf of Aden

Iran deploys two warships to Gulf of Aden, located between the Arabian Peninsula and Africa — a destroyer with surface-to-surface missile capability and a supply ship with a helicopter pad.

Former DefSec Slams Obama’s & Trump’s Russian Response


Former DefSec Ash Carter criticizes the failure of the previous and current administrations to put into action Pentagon plans to counter what Carter sees as an ongoing war with Russian interference.

FAA Considers Beyond-Line-Of-Sight UAV Regs

RQ-21A Drone

The FAA turns to UAV and drone makers to discuss how to move toward permitting unmanned flight beyond the line of sight of the operator.

Obama Puts Debt Ceiling on the Table

Despite DoD’s return to work, the furlough continues to threaten employment deep into contractor personnel ranks and back pay not yet confirmed. We hit the debt ceiling in eight days.

Two Days In: Stocks Falling, No Progress Apparent

F-35C JSF formation

On the second day of the government shutdown the news is of little else, but still the Navy stood up its first F-35C squadron.

Expect a Week of Hearings: US Options on Syria

Little accord on Syria puts weaponry on alert throughout the world. President Obama demands citizens participate in US decisions.

For Quick Results, DoD Could ‘BRAC’ Two Commands

With the president scolding Republican hawks for holding up military needs by continuing sequestration, the Pentagon evaluates drastic budget cuts in DoD, such as eliminating two commands and 5,000 jobs.

Climate Change Will Require a Military Reponse

Climate change & security threats draw lawmakers’ attention, U.S. military aircraft draw little attention at Paris Air Show, EADS showcases Tropospheric Airship.

Budget Cuts All Services & Contractor Pay, But Stocks Rise

A re-work of furlough scheduling qualifies Navy employees for unemployment insurance and a re-think of tactical nuclear strikes is needed now says a Pentagon-respected think-tank.

JSF’s Initial Operating Capability Report Due This Week

With only days before the services must report their IOC for the Joint Strike Fighter, the Navy’s date is still under wraps. Also, a primer on war-fighting bandwidth satellites and a NOAA satellite conks out, again.