April 28, 2024

Jessica Schleider: CoCreating Emotional Health

Walden Wise is pleased to introduce Jessica Schleider, Ph.D., a leading researcher and advocate for children’s emotional health, and share her video empowering adults like you to become powerful agents of positive change. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, caregiver, or anyone who cares for children, you have the power to make a positive impact on their emotional development.

Give Yourself a Gift

Each of us makes a difference when building a future where children thrive emotionally. Walden Wise encourages you to recognize your contributions and give yourself a gift. Walden Wise CoCreators are gifting you with its five top resources of 2023for helping children thrive.

De-Stressing Kids’ Holidays

Walden Wise is a new community of caring adults sharing what works on behalf of the emotional health of children. We call ourselves CoCreators and we’ve learned, as we develop and share super tools to help kids, we’ve learned they aren’t just for the kids — they work like magic for adults, too.

Read the Book; Attend the Party

Walden Wise Co-creators ask: Do you want to make an even BIGGER impact with the kids in your life? Then Come to the Party! October 24 at 4 PM ET.

Making Stress a Superpower

Walden Wise is offering a free, six-part email series with actionable advice, activities, and conversation starters to help kids you care about turn stress into a strength.

Stress Can Help Kids


At Walden Wise, CoCreators are learning that positive stress, eustress, can lead to heightened focus and increased productivity and that developing effective coping strategies is scientifically proven to support emotional well-being. A certain amount of stress can actually be good for kids and help them grow and adapt.

Talk: Back-to-School Emotional Health

Greenwell camp

Children live in worlds created by adults. Walden Wise is a new community dedicated to bringing caring adults closer to each other to learn and share what works on behalf of children. Engaging in conversations with kids always supports our guiding practice of nurturing authentic relationships.

Walden Wise CEO Curated Summer Reading

Dr. Kathleen O’Brien, CEO of Walden Wise, has released her personally curated books for a 2023 summer of rewarding reading. Each book choice is a meaningful step in fostering the emotional growth of kids.

Walden Wise’s Summer Reading List

Walden Wise’s CoCreator Summer Reading List has been curated for 2023 to help you read alongside the children in your life who will be including reading in their summer schedules. CoCreators invite you to make the most of this opportunity, download a reading list, and enter to win a copy of one of the highlighted books.

Is There a Good Side to Stress?


Walden Wise, a new community dedicated to improving the emotional health of children, will be exploring stress with six CoCreators in an upcoming two-part seminar facilitated by national experts.