January 19, 2025

Vets Can Prepare Own Online Memorials

VA planners expect to expand the Veterans Legacy Memorial platform by the end of the year. The project allows living veterans to prepare their own tribute pages with personal information about their time in the service and allows family members to update online memorials of deceased vets.

GAO Critical of How F-35 Spare Parts Are Tracked


A Government Accountability Office report reveals that more than 1 million F-35 fighter jet spare parts worth at least $85 million have gone missing over at least the past five years since the government does not have a system to track the parts.

Space Force Now ‘Guardians’ of the Galaxy

Guardians us space force

The US Navy has its sailors, the Army has soldiers. There are Marines and airman. The US Space Force troops will be called “guardians.”

80,000 Pounds of Bombs Dropped on Iraqi Island


The first F-35s deployed to the Middle East joined with F-15s to bomb an Iraqi island to prevent its use as an ISIS refuge. The 80,000 pounds of bombs dropped continues the US-led coalition countering ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

DefSec Warns US Allies: Be Wary of China


A warning from DefSec Mark Esper to US European allies: Be wary of China. It is beleived that Beijing seeks greater global influence by leveraging economic power and stealing technology.

Mattis & Senate Stall Military Transgender Ban

Military Transgender Ban

Both DefSec James Mattis and Sen. John McCain seek studies before implementation of President Trump’s ban on transgender troops in the military.

Cyberattacks Hitting Private Firms

Cyber Threats

Cyberattacks are hitting US companies and the firms are complaining that the US government needs to strike back.

Lack of US Cyber Policies Called Illegal

Cyber Threats

Sen. John McCain tells Deputy De­fense Sec­ret­ary and Na­tion­al In­tel­li­gence Director their lack of cyber policies is illegal.

Dems Say NDAA Undermines Civilian Employees

Hoyer Earns High Score From LCV

Vet preference, merit systems & due process rights are jeopardized, a letter sent to conferees of the NDAA asks for changes.

Senators Move NDAA Forward with War Fund

John McCain

Senators vote 83-15, include $38 billion for DoD from the war fund and move NDAA toward a vote possible as early as Thursday.