Local Companies, CEO Earn Leading Edge Titles
As leaders in the Southern Maryland business community, Leading Edge Award winners were honored June 10.
SMECO Issuing $3M in Capital Credit Refunds
SMECO chief says, the time of year for capital credit refunds is when “customers realize the benefit of being electric cooperative members.”
Prosthetic Finger & 3D Printer Win Crab Pot Pitch
Prosthetic digits took the first prize at Southern Maryland’s first innovators pitch contest, and an affordable 3D printer took second.
House Takes Bipartisan Action on Cybersecurity
Congressman Hoyer makes a statement on cybersecurity.
SMECO Nominating Committee to Meet
SMECO’s Board of Directors appoint nine members to the 2015 Nominating Committee to select a slate of candidates for five available Board positions.
St. Mary’s: Biggest Gender Pay Gap in State
St. Mary’s county women earn 32 cents per hour less than men; biggest gender pay gap in Maryland
LSM Graduates 7th Class, May 1
Leadership So. Md. Directors invite the public to the 7th graduating class of LSM: Class of 2015, May 1, at Swan Point Yacht & Country Club in Issue, Md.
Hoyer: Pass the Paycheck Fairness Act
Women still make as little as 78 percent of their male counterparts.
61st Month of Private Sector Job Growth
Hoyer: “There is much more Congress can do to remove uncertainty for businesses seeking to invest.”
Piney Point Road Sewer Replacement Described
The Public Meeting will be held Tuesday, April 14, 2015, 6:30 pm, St. Mary’s Metropolitan Commission 23121 Camden Way, California, MD