February 13, 2025

Two Marine Hornets Land in Taiwan


No injuries, no damages, just a precautionary measure on a routine mission, the Marines Corps says, the fighter jets will leave Taiwan when maintenance is complete..

Retiree Benefit Cuts Snag Budget Bill in Senate

budget axe

Senate passage of the Defense Bill is predicted this week, but reductions in military retiree benefits and partisanship remain obstacles to passage of budget bill approved by the House last week.

Super Hornet Praised, But Boeing Has No Orders

Plans are for the F-35 to replace the F-18, but as important production dates approach the Navy and industry face tough and costly decisions based on projected completion dates that still look a bit iffy.

Virginia Beach F/A-18 Crash Due to Dual Engine Failure

f-18 hornet afterburner

The right engine stalled, and the left afterburner failed to ignite.

Morning Coffee: V-22 Crashes in Morocco, Kills Two

MV-22 Osprey

The incident happened during a training exercise. The aircraft was part of VMM-261.

Morning Coffee: Here Come the Eastern Shore Windmills

Eastern Shore wind energy

Crisfield project scaled back under pressure from Pax River.