May 2, 2024

Little Boy Makes Big Impact on Deputies

Big impact

A little boy in St. Mary’s County is trying to make a big impact. Brady, a 5-year-old, told his mother he did not like hearing his friends say police officers are bad people, so he asked her to help him with a special Christmas project: he wanted to collect photos of himself with 80 law enforcement officers. Big Impact

When his mother contacted the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff Tim Cameron was happy to help. Sheriff Cameron invited Brady and his family — along with their camera, to the office’s holiday deployment roll call, knowing there would be plenty of officers in attendance.

Once the work of the meeting was done, Brady and his family were able to meet the officers, thank them for their service and get started taking lots of photos.

A press release from the sheriff’s office says the smiles on the faces of the people in the pictures show that the gesture has made an impact.

“On behalf of Sheriff Cameron and the men and women of the sheriff’s office, thank you, Brady, for your big heart and for supporting law enforcement officers across the county,” states the press release. “You are wise beyond your young years and have the spirit of a law enforcement officer.”

The release stressed the importance of law enforcement’s main goal: to help people through small gestures like helping to change a tire, comfort someone experiencing a crisis, or even just listen to concerns. These small gestures can have a big impact. The releases states to Brady: “The men and women of the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office are honored to help you achieve your goal.”

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