Calvert Cliffs Siren Test: Noon June 3
A full-cycle test of the alert and notification sirens throughout St. Mary’s, Calvert, and Dorchester counties will take place at noon Monday, June 3, 2024.
Testing of Calvert Cliffs Sirens Dec. 4
There will be a full-cycle test of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant alert and notification sirens throughout St. Mary’s, Calvert, and Dorchester counties at noon December 4, 2023.
‘Welcome Home’ Vietnam Vets
The national “Welcome Home” event begins today, May 11, at 11am at the National Mall in Washington, DC, and runs through May 13. Planned by the United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration, the event commemorates the 50th anniversary of the last troops leaving Vietnam.
Sirens on June 6. This Is Only a Test
A full-cycle test of the alert and notification sirens throughout St. Mary’s, Calvert, and Dorchester counties will be conducted at noon Monday, June 6, 2022.
Power Plant Siren Test Monday, Oct. 2
A full-cycle test of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant alert and notification sirens throughout St. Mary’s, Calvert, and Dorchester counties will occur Monday, Oct. 2, 2017, at noon. The test includes a three-minute activation of all sirens within the 10-mile radius of the plant.
Sirens on Aug. 3: This Is Only a Test
Exelon Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant will perform post-maintenance tests on two St. Mary’s County sirens. There will be a full-cycle test of alert and notification sirens No. 41 and No. 45 in St. Mary’s on Wednesday, Aug. 3.
Was the Thomas Johnson Bridge Worth It?
In 1975 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant commenced. In 1978 the Gov. Thomas Johnson Bridge opened to traffic. SoMD changed forever.
Potassium Iodide Tablets Available Aug. 19
St. Mary’s County Health Department will distribute Potassium Iodide tablets to residents living or working within the 10 mile emergency protection zone (EPZ) of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant.