TPP Presents My Women’s History with Leslie Taylor
Join The Patuxent Partnership to celebrate Women’s History Month. TPP will be hearing remarks March 13 from Leslie Taylor, previously the vice commander of the Naval Air Systems Command at NAS Pax River.
MIL Corp. Sponsors LSM Scholarship
The MIL Corporation presented Leadership Southern Maryland with a $10,000 sponsorship, renewing its partnership with the nonprofit community leadership development organization.
TPP to Present 2023 Defense Summit
The Patuxent Partnership will present its 2023 Defense Summit on Naval Aviation and National Security on June 21 at the University System of Maryland at Southern Maryland.
Navy Wants to Scrap 4 Littoral Combat Ships
The US Navy wants to scrap four of its Littoral Combat Ships which it says are already so outdated they can’t be even be used for training anymore.