May 3, 2024

St. Mary’s R&D Growing Faster than Nation’s

Posted for Lexington Park Business and Community Association

The Southern Maryland Innovation and Technology team showcased unmanned, autonomous opportunities in Southern Maryland at the National Innovation Summit held this month.

Their message to the summit emphasized the concentration of technology and technology-enabled businesses in St. Mary’s County.

According to New Geography, “industries staffed by electronics engineers [in St. Mary’s County] have increased 56 percent, according to Robin Finnacom with St. Mary’s County Department of Economic Development, and a member of the team at the summit.

Most of the technology growth in Southern Maryland has occurred in research and development in the physical, engineering, and life sciences (NAICS 541712), which has seen 93 percent since 2001, and in engineering services, which has seen 84 percent growth since 2001.”

The Southern Maryland Innovation and Technology  members are working to create a robust, innovation-driven ecosystem and brand identity for Southern Maryland. SMIT exhibits, pitch contests and monthly MeetUps bring positive attention to the County’s emerging technology community and provide direct support to technology start-ups.

The Summit draws technologists and investors from around the world and also representatives from every federal lab. SMIT’s booth was adjacent to those of Spain, Germany and Ukraine, which made for interesting conversation, wrote Ms. Finnacom. A company headquartered in Spain is seeking to locate its first U . office at the County’s airport, where the University of Maryland UAS test site is located.

To learn more and participate in the growth of technology in Southern Maryland, attend one of SMIT’s MeetUps, held on the second Thursday of the month starting at 6 pm at the Southern Maryland Higher Education Center, Building 1. There is no cost to participate and anyone interested in technology business growth is encouraged to attend. To sign up for notices of SMIT MeetUps and special programs, Click Here.

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