May 1, 2024

United Way Welcome’s PRMI’s Own Chuck Dohrman

Posted by Primary Residential Mortgage Inc.
Pax Leader

Chuck Dohrman

Chuck Dohrman

Chuck Dohrman, of Primary Residential Mortgage Inc., has been appointed to the board of the United Way of Calvert County.

United Way of Calvert County works towards ensuring that everyone has access to affordable, quality healthcare, education, and the promotion of financial stability by supporting programs such as Calvert Can: Eat Right, Move More, Chesapeake Cares Food Pantry, and prescription discount cards.

“It is my view that the majority of people are good caring citizens.  Once they have the knowledge of the great things the United Way does, they are more apt to give of their time, money and talents.” said Mr. Dohrman.

Mr. Dohrman and PRMI have a history of community giving and involvement, both through United Way and independently. The SIDS Golf Invitational, founded by the Dohrman family, and sponsored in part by PRMI, raised over $125,000 this year to support research for the Center for Infant and Child Loss.

In addition to its generous support of the SIDS Golf Invitational, PRMI has participated in the United Way Day of Caring, Operation Christmas Child, and has a campaign to support research for and raise awareness of breast cancer.

As part of its 10-year plan made in 2008, United Way set the goal of reducing by half the number of lower-income families who are financially unstable. By succeeding in this goal the organization will have helped 1.9 million families on the road to financial independence. To help achieve the goal the Calvert County United Way has focused on improving basic financial skills by providing free financial literacy education and tax preparation assistance.

Mr. Dorhman hopes to use his professional experience of 23 years as a Mortgage Banker to secure a position on the Finance Committee, where he can serve in some capacity with the special events such as Marti Gras.



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