Female Draft in Congress Again
It’s the same set-up as last year, the annual defense bill includes a provision requiring women as well as men between the ages of 18 and 25 to register with the Selective Service System against the possibility of a military draft. Same as last year, conservatives oppose “drafting our daughters.”
N.Korean Missile Snaps Earth Pix
Amid a busy month of missile test launches, on Jan. 30 North Korea released a photo taken of Earth, reporting the image was captured from a Hwasong 12 intermediate-range ballistic missile “by a camera installed at the missile warhead.”
F-35C Joins Carrier Flight Operations
For the first time, the F-35Cs launched, recovered, and maneuvered around the flight deck alongside F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, EA-18G Growlers, and E-2D Advanced Hawkeyes.
Unauthorized “Fire and Fury” Spreading Malware
Hackers are using unauthorized PDF versions of the controversial book “Fire and Fury” to spread malware.
DoD Proposes 2019 BRAC
DoD’s latest attempt to gain congressional support for a BRAC round has the Government Accountability Office, not an independent commission, validate the analysis before Congress makes the final call.