December 6, 2024

Female Draft in Congress Again

It’s the same set-up as last year, the annual defense bill includes a provision requiring women as well as men between the ages of 18 and 25 to register with the Selective Service System against the possibility of a military draft. Same as last year, conservatives oppose “drafting our daughters.”

Singapore Airshow Shows US Technological Lead Shrinking


The future of air-to-air warfare in Asia is on impressive display at the Singapore Airshow, but it also shows that the US technological lead is shrinking.

Homeland to Share Cyber Indicators with Industry

New Normal on the Internet cyber

The Department of Homeland Security will start automatically sharing cyber-security threat indicators — not incidents — with industry.

The Male-Only Draft Needs Adjustment

male only draft

A DoD legal analysis foresees changes the context of male-only draft now that all military jobs are opening for women.