September 14, 2024

Pt. Lookout Earns Grant for Nature Nook

Grants Gateway

The Friends of Maryland State Parks recently awarded 24 grants totaling $41,798 to parks statewide through the advocacy organization’s program, “Small Grants, Big Impact!”

The funds will enable staff to collaborate with community partners to provide information on Maryland’s cultural history, replace unsafe bridges and puncheons, provide water safety resources, and promote recycling and stewardship on public lands.

Nature Nook rejuvenation at Point Lookout State Park is one of the grant recipients.

The park in southern St. Mary’s County will develop educational initiatives centered around the beachfront Nature Nook, catering to a majority 400,000 yearly visitors. Through this grant, the park will be able to paint and replace the roof on this building to meet Maryland Park Service standards for public facilities and modernize and rejuvenate the exhibits inside the building.

The Friends of Maryland State Parks has increased funding 207% since the program began ($13,619 in 2021 to $41,798 in 2024). At least one state park in each of the four state park regions has applied for and received a grant every year.

Other 2024 projects include:

Cedarville State Forest (managed by Rosaryville State Park staff)

Trail puncheons

The Park Service will replace aging puncheons on the Blue and Brown trails at Cedarville State Forest.

Green Trail bridge resurfacing

The Park Service will replace tread boards on a 20-foot bridge on the Green Trail at Cedarville State Forest and to add curbing. The bridge provides recreation opportunities for hikers, mountain bikers, and equestrians.

Rosaryville State Park

Perimeter Trail bridge

The park will install a bridge to connect a rerouted portion of the trail back to the main loop. The reroute was dug by Eagle Scouts in summer 2023. The park would look to partner with other volunteer and/or youth organizations to help foster stewardship and volunteerism in our community. The Perimeter Trail is the primary trail at Rosaryville State Park and would benefit hikers, mountain bikers, and equestrian users.

For a list of the other projects, click here.

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