LFTE Exercise: Here’s to Your Stealth
The US military is considered the world’s premier fighting force, and testing exercises play an important role in sustaining military readiness. A variety of stealthy aircraft participated in a recent exercise Large Force Test Event in Nevada.
Will Hefty Bonuses Get Pilots to Stay?
The Marine Corps’ fiscal 2020 aviation bonuses are aimed at enticing pilots to sign eight-year contracts and plug the flood of Marine aviators trading in their military wings to fly civilian skies.
Is Another Shutdown on the Horizon?
The deal reached to reopen the federal government gives President Donald Trump and Congress until Feb. 15 to reach a new deal to prevent another partial shutdown.
You’re Invited to Hack the Air Force
The Air Force’s Chief Information Office will hold its Hack the Air Force exercise. The “bug bounty” program will invite participation from talent in the US and, this year, will include those from US partner-nations, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
DefSec Wants Review Comparing F-35 & Hornet
Defense Secretary James Mattis is calling for a review that compares the F-35C and F/A-18E/F operational capabilities and assesses the extent that F/A-18E/F improvements (an advanced Super Hornet) can be made in order to provide “competitive, cost effective, fighter aircraft alternative.”
Triton UAS Demonstrates Key Capabilities
The US Navy’s MQ-4C Triton UAS, in flight, demonstrates two key capabilities: exchanging full motion video feedback with the P-8A Poseidon using a common data link, and creating ate situational awareness for P-8 aircrew by tracking a target with its electro-optical/infrared digital camera.