April 23, 2024

Drones to Carriers Slowed by Organization

drones to carrier

Its technically possible to speed up merging unmanned vehicles and carriers, but organizationally it appears ‘impossible’ says VADM David Dunaway.

Nice Bridge Slated for $50M toward Replacement

More than 18,000 vehicles a day cross the Potomac between Southern Maryland and Dahlgren, VA, on a 72-year-old, 2-lane bridge. Traffic is expected to double by 2030.

House Partisanship Draws Government Closer to Shut-down

Partisanship drags US toward closure while one Democrat and two Republican governors ally to strengthen their chances for an FAA drone designation..

Expanding Higher Ed Menu

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New education possibilities could be on the horizon for Southern Maryland.

Here Comes the Boom

Rail gun testing coming soon to Dahlgren (and the Potomac).