February 8, 2025

Understanding Winter Weather Terms

What’s a warning? What’s a watch? What do you know about storm terms?

Snow Today or Snow Tomorrow: Safety First

Whether today or next week, tips for driving in snow are the same. Some SHA safety precautions and links here.

3rd Annual Parade Planning Underway

The date has been set for the 3rd Annual Pride in the Park Parade; sponsors needed and lots of planning still underway.

County Opens Warming Centers

Mark’s Automotive provides here the list of county warming centers for residents who need refuge in a warm place.

Nice Bridge Slated for $50M toward Replacement

More than 18,000 vehicles a day cross the Potomac between Southern Maryland and Dahlgren, VA, on a 72-year-old, 2-lane bridge. Traffic is expected to double by 2030.

IMPORTANT Changes to Maryland Traffic Law

police lights

New traffic laws effective Oct. 1 include increased severity of cell phone offenses and higher fines for seat belt offenses.

School’s In Session, Here’s a ‘Rules of the Road’ Review

School bus rules and other driving safety reminders as students, parents, and teachers return to classes this month.

Labor Day Holiday Travel Forecast: Sun, Fun & 511

Check your vehicle at Mark’s Automotive for a safe trip, then buckle up, drive sober and call for traffic updates this Labor Day Holiday Weekend.

HELP WANTED! Experience Required.

It’s not a simple job. Mark’s Automotive seeks an experienced mechanic, ASE Certified a plus at the busiest garage in Lexington Park, closest auto repair shop to NAS:Pax River.

Mark’s Automotive Delivers Rhythm to Pride in Park Parade

Pride in the Park Parade 2013 crop

Mark’s Automotive is sponsoring and chauffeuring the Spring Ridge Middle School Rhythm Club to the Lexington Park Parade Saturday starting at 10 a.m.