Register by Oct 18 to Vote Nov 8, 2022
The deadline to register to vote in the Nov. 8 election is Oct. 18. Eligible Marylanders may register to vote in advance of the Nov. 8 election using the State Board of Election’s online application page or completing an application in-person at their local board of elections office.
Election Judges Sought in St. Mary’s
The St. Mary’s County Board of Elections is seeking eligible people willing to serve as election judges. The Maryland primary is July 19, 2022.
June 2 Primary: What You Need to Know
The 2020 Presidential Primary Election will be held Tuesday, June 2. Changes are being made to election procedures due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. The election will be conducted by mail.
Important Elections Deadlines Coming Next Month
Oct. 16 is the last day to register to vote in the Nov. 6 presidential election.
St. Mary’s County Voting Machines to Be Tested
Public test intended to verify the logic and accuracy of the county’s electronic voting machines.