June 2 Primary: What You Need to Know

The 2020 Presidential Primary Election will be held Tuesday, June 2, 2020. The Maryland State Board of Elections is committed to educating voters on the changes made to election procedures due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. These changes are made to ensure voters can exercise their fundamental right to vote while also safeguarding the public’s health during this pandemic.
The election will be conducted by mail, with at least one in-person voting location in every county and Baltimore City available for those who are unable to vote by mail.
Here are commonly asked questions about this election and guidance for residents on how to vote safely and conveniently. For further questions, go to www.elections.maryland.gov or contact the state board at 1-800-222-8683.
What is the date for the 2020 Presidential Primary Election?
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
What is the safest way to vote?
To reduce the risk of spreading the novel coronavirus, voters are strongly encouraged to vote by mail. The State Board of Elections will mail ballots to all eligible voters. No postage is needed to return your ballot. You will get a postage-paid return envelope with your ballot.
Do voters need to request a ballot?
No. The State Board of Elections will mail ballots to all eligible active voters.
When will ballots be mailed?
Ballots will be mailed in early to mid-May.
If a voter has requested a ballot, does the voter need to request another ballot?
No. All eligible voters will receive a ballot for the 2020 Presidential Primary Election.
What is the deadline by which voters must mail in their voted ballots?
Voted ballots must be postmarked on or before June 2, 2020.
What if a voter can’t vote by mail?
If a voter cannot vote by mail, there will be at least one voting location in each county and Baltimore City. The voting locations will be open on June 2 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. The State Board will announce the precise locations soon, and voters unable to vote by mail are encouraged to check www.elections.maryland.gov for those locations.
If a voter has already requested an absentee ballot, does the voter need to do anything?
No. The voter will receive a ballot in early to mid-May.
How do voters know if they are registered to vote?
If you aren’t sure if you are registered, or at what address, check your voter registration status by visiting www.elections.maryland.gov and clicking “Look up your Voter Info.” If you do not have internet access, call 1-800-222-8683 and ask a State Board of Elections representative to check your registration.
What kind of identification is required to cast a ballot by mail?
If you are a registered voter and voted before, no identification is required to receive or submit a ballot by mail. A very small number of newly registered voters may need to provide ID with their voted ballots. If you have to provide ID, there will be instructions with your ballot.
Can voters register to vote online?
It is possible to register to vote in Maryland elections online. Visit www.elections.maryland.gov and click “Register to Vote” to learn more. The deadline to register to vote is Wednesday, May 27, 2020.
Is identification required to register to vote?
No, but you must provide some information so election officials can verify your identity.
If you use the State Board’s online system to register, you must enter your Maryland driver’s license number or Motor Vehicle Administration-issued state ID number, the date MVA issued your license or ID card, and the last 4 digits of your Social Security number. If you reside outside of the US or are a member of the military or spouse or dependent of a member of the military, you must enter the last 4 digits of your US Social Security number. If you provide a license or state ID number, your signature on file with the MVA will become your official voter registration signature. If you provide a Social Security number, it will be used as your official voter registration signature.
If you use the paper application to register, you must also provide your Maryland driver’s license number or MVA-issued state ID number if you have one. If you don’t have one, you must provide the last 4 digits of your Social Security number. If you don’t have either number, check box 6c. If you check box 6c, you might be required to show ID before voting for the first time.
How will voters know that their ballots will be counted?
You can check that your ballot was counted by visiting www.elections.maryland.gov and clicking “Look up your Voter Info.” If you do not have internet access, call 1-800-222-8683 and ask a State Board of Elections representative to check the status of your voted ballot. The information will be posted about 10 days after the election.
How do voters update their address?
Give the local board of elections where you currently live your new address information. You can use the voter registration application to make the change, or you can submit in writing your new address. Voters must update their address with their local board of elections. For instructions on updating your address, please visit the State Board of Elections website at www.elections.maryland.gov/voting/address.html. The deadline to update your information is Wednesday, May 27.
St. Mary’s County residents can get more information at the Board of Elections website or call 301-475-4200, ext. 71625.