February 19, 2025

Lockheed Launches AM Supplier Challenge


Lockheed Martin, in partnership with the University of Maryland and the Maryland Department of Commerce, is seeking qualified suppliers with innovative additive manufacturing technology to help deliver sustainment solutions. A virtual information session is planned July 14.

3-D Printing Targets Readiness & Reliability for Navy

3-D Printing

A Pax Partnership 3-D Printing briefing draws nearly 100 TPP members, including local contractors. Guests heard how Naval Air Systems Command, as part of a Navy-wide effort, is meeting the challenge.

Additive Manufacturing Topic of TPP Briefing

TPP Additive Manufacturing

The Patuxent Partnership will host a Feb. 14 briefing on developments in the field of additive manufacturing and what it means for NAVAIR. Guest speakers will be Liz McMichael and Dr. William Frazier.