February 15, 2025

Additive Manufacturing Topic of TPP Briefing

TPP Additive Manufacturing

The Patuxent Partnership will host a briefing Feb. 14 on developments in the field of additive manufacturing and what it means for the Naval Air Systems Command with guest speakers Liz McMichael and Dr. William Frazier, chief scientist with NAVAIR Vehicle Engineering.

Since NAVAIR’s successful 3-D creation of a flight-critical part for the V-22 Osprey last August, the integrated product team (IPT), led by Ms. McMichael, has made plans for six additional safety-critical components to be produced and tested over the next year.

Additive manufacturing, or 3-D manufacturing, was once thought of only in the realm of prototyping, but last August’s success with a part printed at the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) in Lakehurst, New Jersey, brings new possibilities.

The program will be held Tuesday, Feb. 14, at the Southern Maryland Higher Education Center Building 2 Center Hall at 44219 Airport Road in California. Check-in begins at 7:30 am; the program begins at 8 am and will be followed by a question-and-answer session.

For further information and to register for this free additive manufacturing program, click here.

Upcoming Partnership Programs

Mark your calendars for “United States-Russian Relations Under Trump Administration. What Does Russia Expect?” Dr. Tatiana Shakleina, head of the Department of Applied International Political Analysis at Moscow State Institute of International Relations in Moscow, will speak at 5 pm Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2017, at St. Mary’s Hall at St. Mary’s College of Maryland.

Professor Shakleina is head of the Department of Applied International Political Analysis at Moscow State Institute of International Relations in Moscow, Russia. MGIMO is Russia’s most prestigious educational entity focusing on international relations. Professor Shakelina is an expert on Russian foreign policy and international relations. She is the author of numerous articles and books, including “Russia and the United States in World Politics,” “Foreign Policy of the Bush Administration: Concepts and Practice and Russia,” and “The United States in New World Order.”

Seating is limited, and registration information will be available shortly.

A one-day cybersecurity program will be held Thursday, March 2, at Southern Maryland Higher Education Center. More information will be available soon. Those interested in sponsorship or exhibitor space should contact Julie Lemmon at 301-866-1739, ext. 318 or email [email protected].

About The Patuxent Partnership

The Patuxent Partnership works with government, industry, and academia on initiatives in science and technology, hosts programs of interest to NAVAIR and the broader DoD community, and supports workforce development including education initiatives and professional development. Call 301-866-1739.

To learn more about The Patuxent Partnership and its programs, visit its Leader member page.

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