May 3, 2024

Obama Puts Debt Ceiling on the Table

Morning Coffee is a robust blend of links to news around the internet concerning the Naval Air Station Patuxent River economic community. The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the Leader’s owners or staff.Morning Coffee logo

Nine days before the U.S. must raise its debt ceiling or run out of money to operate, President Barack Obama agreed to speak with Republicans if discussions “include reopening the government and saying America’s not going to default” and we’re going to pay our bills,” CNN Politics reported late Tuesday afternoon.

And a new word enters discussions about back pay for furloughed federal workers: they will probably get back pay, reports GovExec, but the bill hasn’t passed yet.

Despite the recall of furloughed DoD workers, reports, “critical programs and benefits remain halted.” In a series of tumbling impacts launched by the government shutdown, two aircraft maintenance contractors forced to discontinue services in turn forced the Navy to cancel aviator training flights, reports Defense Daily. (Paywall.)

Although defense contractors may be able to ease the impact of the government shutdown ramifications as DoD essential personnel return to work, FCW reports that government contractors are feeling an ever tightening squeeze on them.

Intercept reports mild-mannered Senate Armed Services Committee Chair Carl Levin (D-Mich.) let his anger show this week. Mr. Levin called “shameful” House Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) failure to bring forward into the House a Senate continuing resolution which would re-open government.

CNN Security Clearance asks, does President Barack Obama have a foreign policy doctrine or not? And which bodes best for America?

Breaking Defense reports on the long campaign that preceded the SEAL raid in Somalia last weekend. The presidents side-steps a question regarding the legality of the strike into Libya, reports The Hill.

Following an audit of F-35 engine maker Pratt & Whitney, the Pentagon is withholding 5% of the company’s billings on key contracts, reports Aviation Week.

Fire Scout prepares for its first test flight out of Point Mugu, reports Defense Tech.


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