May 3, 2024

The Dark Cloud Hanging Over Your Vision

Age-related Macular Degeneration, or AMD, is a leading cause of vision loss in individuals 50 and over, says Dr. Mark Whitten. The condition refers to the deterioration of the macula, a small spot near the center of your retina.

The macula is macular degen. beforeresponsible for sharp central vision and allows you to see straight ahead, explains Dr. Mark Whitten. While genetics and age play a part in determining your risk for macular degeneration there are other lifestyle choices and habits that you can make to reduce your risk.

The early stages of AMD often present no symptoms. For this reason it is important to undergo routine eye exams.

One of the major factors that can affect overall eye health is the use of sunglasses. Dr. Mark Whitten has already stressed the importance of year-round protection from the sun to prevent cataracts, vision loss and chronic dry eye, but did you know sunglasses can also reduce your risk of Macular Degeneration.

Representation of Late Macular Degneration

Representation of Late Macular Degneration

Smoking also increases your risk of developing Macular Degeneration two-three fold, according to Dr. Oz. Of 17 studies, 13 found a statistically significant relationship between smoking and AMD, making smoking one of the most important lifestyle factors that you are able to change in order to reduce your risk of AMD, explains Dr. Mark Whitten.

Weight is another factor that has a strong impact on your risk of Macular Degeneration. If your BMI is 30 or higher you are 2.5x more likely to develop AMD.

Losing weight, quitting smoking and exercising regularly can work together to reduce your risk of macular degeneration, and increase your overall quality of life. Exercise helps increase blood-flow and oxygen flow through the body, which helps prevent geographic atrophy (also called dry AMD). Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also reduce your blood pressure, and according to studies blood pressure above 120/80 is another risk factor for AMD.

Finally, diet plays a key role in eye health, says Dr. Mark Whitten. Be sure your diet is high in omega3 fatty acids, dark leafy greens, vitamins C, E and B and Zinc. 

Some cases of Macular Degeneration can be treated with laser surgery. This surgery is not as common as other treatments, and may not be practical in all cases of AMD. If you’re experiencing issues with your vision, eye fatigue or simply are ready for a better quality of vision, contact Dr. Mark Whitten at Whitten Laser Eye,  37767 Market Dr., Charlotte Hall, MD 20622. (301) 825-5755

For more information about Whitten Laser Eye, visit their Leader member page.

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