June 16, 2024

A-10 Mechanics Moving into F-35As

F-35 JSF assembly line

Morning Coffee is a robust blend of links to news around the internet concerning the Naval Air Station Patuxent River economic community. The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the Leader’s owners or staff.Morning Coffee logo

It’s been a long time coming, but DoD is dusting off the welcome mat at the Air Force for the JSF, moving  A-10 mechanics toward the F-35A, reports IHA Janes 360.

Defense Systems gives the R&D priorities in the 2016 Defense budget requests, branch by branch. The Navy and Marines earmarked $17.9 billion, 11 percent, for research and development in their $161 billion budget request; the Army seeks $6.9 billion, 5.4 percent of its $126.5 billion request and the Air Force’s $122.2 billion budget contains $18 billion for R&D, 14.7 percent.

DoD announced to Congress that the Netherlands are considering a $339 million purchase of MQ-9 Reaper unmanned aerial vehicles and system components, reports UPI.

A second weather delay moved the SpaceX and NASA/NOAA launch of the Deep Space Climate Observatory mission  to tonight. Space.com will be showing the live launch, Tues., Feb. 10 at 6:05 pm EST.

The Navy will re-focus on the problems with its CH-53E and MH-53E heavy-lift helicopters. Random checks showed many initial inspections were not thorough and 70 percent of the 28 aircraft inspected still had discrepancies and problems, reports Reuters.

The US ultimately declined an invitation from China to send over a US carrier for a visit. In light of China’s behavior in the South and East China Seas, the Pentagon decided not to go, reports International Business Times. Sen. John McCain, (R-AZ), chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, wrote the Defense Department calling such a visit a political and symbolic mistake, reports HeraldNet.

Al Arabiya News reports a global drone competition out of the United Arab Emirates awarded $1 million to a Swiss team whose drone can enter confined spaces and fly safely close to humans.

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