April 26, 2024

Deadliest Aircraft in Pentagon’s Arsenal?

E-6 Mercury Deadliest Aircraft in Pentagon's Arsenal

Don’t be deceived by the appearances of the E-6 Mercury. Though the Mercury doesn’t carry any weapons of its own, it might be in a sense the deadliest aircraft operated by the Pentagon.

DoD Blocked LCS Cost Overruns from GAO Report

LCS cost overruns

A week before the FY17 DoD budget — upped to $584 billion — is expected to finally reach the House floor, a congressional audit reports cost overruns in the controversial Littoral Combat Ship program were classified and kept out of an earlier Government Accountability Office report.

Outgoing NavSec Supports Another BRAC

Increasing national defense costs on all fronts: pricing, sophistication of systems, rising non-traditional threats, and growing retiree expenses drives outgoing NavSec Mabus’ support for another BRAC, acknowledging the impact on the Navy and Marine Corps would be less severe than on the Army or Air Force.