September 14, 2024

Dodder or Devil’s Hair: It Kills

We have a parasitic plant belonging to the morning glory family that is a hazard to the High Tide bush in the marshes. Dodder has many names, including colorful folk names such as strangle tare, strangleweed, scaldweed, beggarweed, lady’s laces, fireweed, wizard’s net, devil’s guts, devil’s hair, devil’s ringlet, goldthread, hailweed, hairweed, hellbine, love vine, pull-down, angel hair, and witch’s hair. Those known and used locally include devil’s hair, devils guts, goldthread, angel hair, and witches hair.

Parasites Summer in St. George Marshes

Plant parasites, dodders, are increasingly invading the High Tide and Water bushes along the shoreline of St. George Island. Like the Cap’n, they send messages, too.