February 6, 2025

Share Your Thoughts About the County’s Libraries

(Pixabay.com photo by geralt)

What would you hope to see from the St. Mary’s County libraries in the future? Here’s a chance to offer input.

The St. Mary’s County Library is conducting strategic planning to focus on the services it should offer over the next five years.

As part of the process, the library is surveying the community to gain a more precise understanding of the community’s needs, interests, and priorities. Share your perceptions about the library and offer feedback regarding what resources and services you wish to see provided by taking an online survey.

The survey is available until Monday, March 4, through the library website or directly on the strategic plan website.

You do not have to have a library card or currently use the library to take the survey. The survey is open to all, regardless of age. The survey software provides respondents with complete anonymity. You will not be asked to identify yourself, nor will your IP address be captured at any time over the course of data collection. Individual responses will not be shared.

“As we emerge from the pandemic, we are seeing high demand for our traditional services and yet also see big changes in how people want to access libraries,” said Michael Blackwell, director of St. Mary’s County Library. “It’s a perfect time to reconsider what we should be doing to best serve county residents. Please let us know your thoughts, whether you are a regular library customer or not.”

The strategic plan process is being conducted by Library IQ, which is working in partnership with St. Mary’s County Library to develop the five-year plan.

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