May 6, 2024

Hoyer Outlines US Economy Needs on NBC

Hoyer Earns High Score From LCV

Posted for Congressman Steny Hoyer

Speaking on CNBC Rep. Steny Hoyer, (D-Md.), gives a synopsis of the economic challenges facing the Congress just sworn into office. Mr. Hoyer speaks on tax reform, jobs, and the Keystone pipeline.

“Confidence in and of itself is an economic booster,” he says.


One Response to “Hoyer Outlines US Economy Needs on NBC”
  1. I don’t like it that Steny is for Keystone….not one bit. I am very disappointed. Keystone is throwing good money after bad. It is a lot of investment for little return, no matter how you look at it. It only benefits those in the oil and gas industry and is a killer to the environment. It is of so little consequence in benfit to the public, that it is almost laughable. The real investment should be in renewables, like Germany is doing, who already has 30-40% renewables, flooding their wires with practically free energy. The oil and gas industries are fighting back. With the endless wars our deficit and debt will keep growing and with the financials getting yet another pass from congress, our republic’s prospects look dim facing another eventual bail out of risky derivatives owned by all of the major banks. With corporations determining in secret the terms of trade treaties, who is defending the home grown businesses and the soveriegnty of the United States? The only thing I see being defended is the power of multinational corporations. They seem to be running all of the countries in the world.

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