April 19, 2024

Opinion: F-35 Vital to Canadian Readiness


Canada’s former defence staff chief says the F-35 must come back into the mix for the US’ northern neighbor.

Good News for Contractors in Defense Bill

There’s a lot to like in the procurement reforms in the draft defense bill, even with concerns about some new workplace regulations.

SpaceX Lands It! Space Travel Approaches Affordability.

space travel

SpaceX gently landed a rocket back on Earth for reuse, after sending its payload into orbit, a huge step forward for affordable space travel.

Russian Success in Syria Includes US Tactics


Russia’s aerial intervention in Syria succeeds against Islamic State and government opposition with Soviet air support and Western-style precision strikes.

The Tides Delivers Holiday Cheer to the Park

Tides Restaurant Christmas 2012

The Tides Restaurant donated dozens of turkey dinners to Mike’s Food Fund for its 2012 Christmas dinner donation.

Defense Firms Look Abroad for Profits

SH-60B Seahawk

Brazil, China, India and Turkey seen as growth markets.