February 6, 2025

Substance Abuse Recovery Court Grad Describes Addiction

Rodney Moore graduated from St. Mary’s County Substance Abuse Recovery Court and describes his better life today.

Recovery Court Moves People Past Their Addictions

Evaughn Lennon, case manager for St. Mary’s Substance Abuse Recovery Court helps people overcome their addictions.

Recovery Court Building Alumnus Group

Michael West is turning his story of incorrigibility through recovery into outreach to bring alumni back to adult drug court.

Recovery Court Launches Newsletter

On a fiscal level, jail costs $99-105 per day, Recovery Court costs $19. In human capital it’s the difference between a perennial offender and a productive community member.

Drug Summit for Parents Posted on YouTube

Due to an overwhelming request, the recent Drug Summit for Parents is available on the county’s YouTube channel.

Parents’ Drug Summit: ‘Everybody Knows Someone’

Heroin is cheaper and easier to get than prescription drugs; combined they are wreaking death and destruction across America. More than 300 St. Mary’s Countians learned this month how to fight back.

A Call to Mobilize Against Under-Age Drinking

Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol is a nationally renowned program to help communities develop strategies to combat under-age drinking.

Substance Recovery Court Receives CMI Check

Formerly known as Adult Drug Court, the loss of federal funding has prompted formation of a citizen committee to seek replacement funding sources.