New Scholarship Will Assist SARC Grads
The College of Southern Maryland has partnered with St. Mary’s County Adult Substance Abuse Recovery Court (SARC) program. Representatives from CSM and SARC worked together to create a SARC scholarship fund.
Another Recovery Court Success
It might be the most difficult graduation to achieve, but St. Mary’s Substance Abuse Recovery Court continues to produce graduates who overcome obstacles hard to imagine. Here a graduate explains.
Substance Recovery Court Receives CMI Check
Formerly known as Adult Drug Court, the loss of federal funding has prompted formation of a citizen committee to seek replacement funding sources.
Substance Abuse Recovery Court Seeks Community Support
The advisory board serving St. Mary’s adult drug court is exploring ways to offset the end of federal start-up funding to assure continuation of the tax-saving, life-saving program.
Adult Drug Court Graduates Two
Adult Drug Court is more successful than incarceration at returning substance abusers to productive lives.