February 16, 2025

Georgetown Transplant Clinic Comes to Hospital

kidney disease

Posted by Medstar St. Mary’s Hospital
Leading Edge

kidney diseaseLiving with kidney disease doesn’t have to be a life-long scenario. Thanks to being a part of the system, MedStar St. Mary’s is pleased to now offer a MedStar Georgetown Transplant Institute Clinic in Southern Maryland for your convenience.

This means area residents will no longer have to travel into the city – we are bringing the services closer to your neighborhood.

If you are living with kidney disease, we encourage you to make an appointment where a transplant coordinator, dietician, social worker and transplant specialty physician will meet with you to determine if a kidney transplant is right for you.

A transplant coordinator will guide you throughout the process following your first appointment. You will undergo a series of tests, which can usually be performed right at MedStar St. Mary’s. When the full evaluation is complete, the transplant experts at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital will decide if you are suitable to be placed on the kidney transplant waiting list. Donor organ allocation is primarily based on time on the waiting list and blood type.

If you have someone interested in donating a kidney to you, the team would be happy to discuss options and provide them with a thorough evaluation at a separate appointment. If you and your living donor are found suitable for transplant, the surgery can be scheduled at a time convenient for both of you.

The Transplant Clinic is held monthly depending on demand at the St. Mary’s Medical Center at 37767 Market Drive, Charlotte Hall, Md. Call 202-444-3700 to register for the next clinic. Learn more about the MedStar Georgetown Transplant Institute at medstargeorgetown.org/kidney.


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