February 16, 2025

Cottage Sale Captures Island Feel

By Barbara Geehan

The Island Cottage Sale June 2-3 personifies what is so special about St. George Island. You know, as you drive down Route 249 from Callaway and cross the small bridge onto the pine-tree-studded island, it will be a delightful day.

First, there is the sense of community.

St. George's Island sunset

Sunset on St. George’s Island by Jeffrey Clark

“Julie O’Brien, Rob Seltzer, and I started this several years ago,” said Susan Hill, who will be selling antiques and vintage finds. “We each knew people in the area with great talents and wanted to find a way to get their art to the public.”

This year, there will be 15 local artists displaying eye-popping art and crafts often inspired by the ubiquitous water, fish, and seabirds.

“We are very selective and wanted a sale that we would want to go to,” said Hill.

O’Brien agreed: “This is no yard sale.”

O’Brien has scoured the beaches for many hours for the perfect frosted sea glass.  Then she combines them with gems, such as pearls and turquoise, and gold, and silver to create lovely jewelry and wreaths for her business called Frosted Trash.

I have been by the sea most of my life. I have picked up sea glass too. But I always assumed that a broken green jar makes green sea glass after years of being polished by waves and sand, same with brown, blue, etc. However, Julie O’Brien taught me this: During World War I, the additive for clear glass was unavailable so manganese was used. The ultraviolet rays from the sun react with the manganese, making this special glass”¦purple!

Seltzer uses all local hardwoods to fulfill his passion of making furniture. Other artists include Bill Kuhn, new to the sale this year. He uses reclaimed wood from historic buildings, including the beams from D.C.’s Ford’s Theater and the Chesapeake Beach Amusement Park to make bird houses and jewelry boxes.  Helene Vonnegut and Izzy McCracken both work in pottery, each with their own style. Mark Wilson presents his pastel seascapes and sketches. Janet Fowler will bring her one-of-a-kind jewelry made with semi-precious stones and sterling silver, gold or copper.

Jeff Clark will again bring his stunning photographs; Donnie Poe will have hand painted “antique” replica signs with a local flavor; Jim Doussard has his laser-cut silhouettes; and Jennifer Goddard has her word art, where you use her individual photos to spell a word.

To take a rest from shopping, you are invited to sit on the sandy Potomac River beach and watch the nesting pair of ospreys. Bear Creek BBQ will be selling refreshments at the show.

The details: The sale runs 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 2 and 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. on Sunday, June 3. Rain dates are June 9-10. There is plenty of parking. After you drive over the island bridge, take the first right onto Thomas Road, then the first driveway on your right after the small church to 16291 Thomas Road. Bear Creek will cater. See a preview of the art on Facebook.

2 Responses to “Cottage Sale Captures Island Feel”
  1. Julie King says:

    This sounds like a great event! And I love the LP Leader’s new contributor!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Was great fun!

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