Are You Registered to Vote in the May 14 Primary?

Maryland’s voter registration deadline approaches. If you need to update your voter registration or to register to vote for the 2024 Presidential Primary Election the deadline is April 23, 2024, in person by 5pm or online by 11:59pm.
Primary Election Day is Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Call the St. Mary’s County Board of Elections at 301-475-7844 if you have any questions. The office is at 23250 Hollywood Road in Leonardtown.
Any registered voter can vote. If you are not registered to vote, learn about how to register.
You must
- Be a US citizen
- Be a Maryland resident
- Be at least 16*
- Not be under guardianship for mental disability or if you are, you have not been found by a court to be unable to communicate a desire to vote
- Not have been convicted of buying or selling votes
- Not be currently serving a sentence of imprisonment for a felony conviction
*You may register to vote if you are at least 16 but cannot vote unless you will be at least 18 by the next general election.
Deadline information:
- Applications must be postmarked no later than 21 days before an election.
- If your application is complete and you are found to be qualified, a Voter Notification Card will be mailed to you.
- The submission of an application form to an individual other than an official, employee, or agent of a county Board of Elections does not assure that the form will be submitted or filed in a timely manner.
Click here for more information.
You can either vote in person during early voting or on election day or by mail-in ballot.
Early voting starts on Thursday, May 2, 2024, and goes through Thursday, May 9, 2024. Each early voting center will be open continuously from 7am to 8pm each day. Anyone in line at 8pm will be allowed to vote.
On Election Day, Tuesday, May 14, 2024, you must vote at your assigned polling place. All election day polling places are open continuously from 7am until 8pm.
Anyone in line at 8pm will be allowed to vote.
If you are unable to vote during early voting or on Election Day, you may vote by mail-in ballot. Find out more information about mail-in voting here.
Important Note: The law requires the State Board of Elections and each local board of elections to refer to absentee ballots as “mail-in ballots” and absentee voting as “mail-in voting.” Note that this change in terminology does NOT change the process of mail-in voting.