May 1, 2024

Hoyer Earns 100% on LCV Scorecard


Congressman Steny H. Hoyer received a 100% rating from the League of Conservation Voters for his votes on key environmental issues.

LCV, a national nonpartisan environmental organization, released its 2020 National Environmental Scorecard last month.

“I’m glad to receive a perfect score from the League of Conservation Voters for my voting record in support of the most pressing environmental issues facing American families,” Congressman Hoyer (D-MD) said. “Communities throughout Maryland are experiencing the effects of climate change, and it’s critically important that Congress continues to take steps to protect the health of our environment and ensure the resiliency of our communities. I was proud to bring critical pieces of legislation to the House floor last Congress, including the Great American Outdoors Act and the Moving Forward Act, to address the climate crisis. I’ll continue to work closely with my colleagues to advance legislation that protects the health of our air and water, combats pollution, and makes smart investments in our infrastructure systems.”

LCV congratulated Mr. Hoyer for receiving a 100% score.

“Representative Hoyer has consistently fought for the environmental safeguards that keep Maryland’s air, land, and water clean,” said Maryland LCV Executive Director Kim Coble. “We are grateful for the role he has played in funding and protecting our most treasured resources, including oysters, the Chesapeake Bay, and its key tributaries.”

Follow Congressman Hoyer on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

For more information about House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer, visit his Leader member page.

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